Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to the USSA

Warning to everyone: do not look into this bill. It is laden with pro-abortion measures ( ). It will cost 2.5 Trillion + over the next 10 years. It expands the IRS to 18,000 new workers

"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." -- Thomas Jefferson

You will be forced to pay for a minimum amount of healthcare (defined by the government) or pay a fine. Where in the Constitution is that? Where has that been done before? Now the government has control of almost 50% in the economy thanks to these Dems.
I fear for my children. I didn't want them to grow up in a land of tyranny! Only 35% of the American people were in favor of this bill when it passed. There were 0 republicans in both houses in support of it. The President and Congressional leaders had to bribe and arm-twist to get a simple majority in the house (here's a sample: ). These leaders are a disgrace! Is this how you wanted your elected leaders to behave?
The Democrat left has violated their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution. They have violated the will of the people. They hold you the citizen in contempt. Where was the transparency they promised in this bill - did you get to see all of those backroom deals?
The question is - is this the America you want? Unless Americans take these issues seriously, then the march towards socialism may be complete before they wonder what happened. The worst day in the USA since 9/11 IMO.